How Often Should You Take Your Pet To The Veterinarian?

by | Jan 24, 2018 | Animal hospital

You and your family members have regular medical checkups, so is it not reasonable to think that the same holds true for your pet? Your pet also needs regular checkups to ensure that it remains healthy and free from disease. The question is, “how often should you take your pet to the Logan Square veterinarian?”

The timing has a lot to do with your pet’s age; is it still young or is it reaching its senior years?

From birth to the first birthday:

When you first get a new pet, puppy or kitten, they need to be vaccinated every three or four weeks up until they are about four months old. Puppies are protected against distemper and rabies as well as Lyme disease and kennel cough.

Kittens need to be tested for leukemia and any immunodeficiency virus as well as being vaccinated for feline diseases.

By the age of four months, all vaccinations should have been completed, at six months take the pet in for a routine examination. If you have no plans to breed your pet, this is the time to arrange for neutering.

After the first year:

After the animal reaches one year of age, you should take it to your Logan Square veterinarian for an annual checkup. The vet will test and check your pet from nose to tail. On an annual basis, the vet will check for heartworm and give any booster shots that are needed. It is a good idea to bring a fecal sample as well; the vet will test it for any evidence of parasite infestation.


As your pet age, it will require more care. Your vet will want you to bring your pet in every six months for a thorough preventative and wellness exam.

Throughout its life, your pet will need to visit a Logan Square veterinarian to ensure it remains healthy and happy. You are invited to bring your pet to Village West Veterinary; a full-service clinic.

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