For those who live in flood-prone areas, know the importance of keeping their home as safely possible. Preventing major Flood Damage in Appleton WI is crucial for making sure the home stays standing when a flood hits. Preparing ahead of time can ensure limited damage occurs. Following are a few tips for making sure the home is prepared.
Assess the Home
The first step to protecting a home from a flood is to evaluate the area. It is important to know how likely the home is at risk for suffering a flood in the area. The FEMA Flood Map Service will show the homeowner a view of their general flooding risk throughout the general area.
Once the likelihood of the flood risk has been determined, it is important to work with the homeowner’s insurance agency or adjusters to determine the specific flood level of the home. A home’s flood level is the height at which the flood waters could rise.
Following the flood level, it is important to note all of the ways the flood water could enter into the home. This will help the homeowner to better understand their overall risk for flooding and to identify any areas that could be dry-proofed ahead of time.
Contact a National Flood Insurance Program or purchase an additional policy through the current homeowner’s insurance company. Standard homeowners insurance policies do not protect the homeowner from the risk of flooding.
Flood-Proof the Home
After the assessment of the home has been completed, next comes knowing how to flood-proof the home properly. Flood-proofing the home will depend on the home’s overall risk to flooding and how well it was previously built to withstand flood waters. Listed below are a few methods for protecting the home against any major Flood Damage in Appleton WI.
* Raise the home on stilts or piers.
* Install foundation vents.
* Install a sump pump.
* Apply coatings and sealants to the foundation, walls, windows, and doorways.
* Grade the lawn away from the home.
* Create a space between the mulch and siding.
* Install and point downspouts away from the home.
Contact Us
A flood is something that can not always be controlled but protecting the home from severe damages is something that can be. For more tips and information on protecting your home from a flood, Contact us today.