Do You Need Arrest Warrants Assistance in San Marcos, Texas?

by | Jul 15, 2019 | Bail Bonds

When an arrest warrant is issued, it is to arrest a person who the police believe has committed a crime. The legal document is signed by a judge so a police officer can make the arrest. If a crime is committed in front of the police, this warrant is not necessary.

Where to Get Help for Getting Out of Jail

If you get arrested for a crime by the issuance of an arrest warrant, you will need to find out how to obtain arrest warrants assistance in San Marcos, Texas. Usually, bail will be set for your crime; at that time, you will want to get out of jail. You cannot do this without help from a bail bond agency. The bond is used to guarantee that you will show up on your court date to answer to your charge or charges.

By working with a bond agency, you can get the arrest warrants assistance you need to pay for the bail and contact an attorney at your home to plan your defense. Naturally, the amount of the bail will depend on the charge. If the charge is considered a felony, you will have to pay a lot more money for the bail than if the charge is a misdemeanor.

Move on with Your Life and Contact an Attorney

Once you receive arrest warrants assistance, you can move on with your life and answer to the legal charges. The amount you have to pay in bail will be based on your age, your crime history, any existing charges, and if you ever failed to appear in court for a charge. Once you know the amount for the bail, you can learn more about how the process works.

By contacting a reliable bail bonds agency such as San Marcos Bail Bonds, you can get all your bail bond questions answered. Use the agency’s services to make restitution for a charge or plan your defense. Don’t stay in jail any longer than needed. Call a bail bonds representative so you can take a more proactive stance.

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