Sensible Tips to Help You Avoid a Collision as You’re Driving on the Road

by | Jul 18, 2019 | Auto

Anytime you set out in your vehicle, there is always, in the back of your mind, an awareness that a collision could occur. Though auto accidents are relatively common, there are plenty of steps you can take to help avoid being involved in one. At dealerships in Lafayette IN, we want to see you arrive at your destination safely, which is why we offer these collision-avoidance tips.

Use Both Hands
Though you may not be the type of person who would drive your vehicle with your knees, it’s likely that you regularly drive your vehicle using only one hand. Distractions such as phone calls, changing the radio station, or taking a drink all require you to remove one hand from the steering wheel. If a large wind gust should suddenly strike you or you have a blow-out, one hand may not be able to provide enough force to keep the vehicle on track. Expect the unexpected and keep both hands on the wheel whenever possible.

Pause at Green Lights
Though you may incite frustration in the impatient drivers behind you, it’s important to pause for a couple of seconds when a light turns green. This pause is how we at dealerships in Lafayette, IN, recommend that you avoid a T-bone collision due to someone running a red light from the other direction. By pausing a couple of seconds and carefully checking in all directions, you will be able to proceed across the intersection safely.

Maintain Your Brakes
The best way to avoid a collision is to stop before you reach the object you would otherwise hit. That means you need to keep your brakes well-maintained at all times. At the first sign of normal wear or significant issues, take your vehicle to a mechanic right away. This promptness ensures that your brakes are continually in peak operating condition, allowing you to stop with plenty of room to spare.

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