The 2N2222 transistor is an example of a bipolar junction transistor. It is capable of conducting low to medium current and can operate at somewhat high speeds. The material it is made from is typically either silicon or germanium. Also, it usually contains positively or negatively charged material. Its cost efficiency and small size make it the most common transistor on the market. Three uses for 2N2222 Transistors in Connecticut are current amplification, automatic on/off switch, and pulse-width modulation.
Current Amplification
One use for the 2N2222 transistor is for current amplification. Current amplification involves an electronic circuit that can take the current from an input signal, increase its magnitude by a fixed multiple, and relay the amplified current to the next circuit or device. The 2N2222 transistor is perfect for this job because it is capable of driving higher current loads than similar transistors, up to 800 mA. Also, it has a wide operational temperature range at -65 to 200 degrees Celcius.
Automatic On/Off Switch
Another use for the 2N2222 transistor is as an automatic on/off switch that can control the power from one part of a circuit to another. In this capacity, the transistor’s job is to conduct the current from collector to emitter when a voltage is applied to the base pin. When the base pin voltage is applied, the transistor conducts the current, and the switch is on. When no base pin voltage is applied, the transistor does not conduct the current, and the switch is off.
Pulse-Width Modulation
A third use for the 2N2222 transistor is for pulse-width modulation. Pulse-width modulation is a technique commonly used to the amount of power being delivered to a load. It can also perform motor speed control for DC motors and aid in generating levels of the analog voltage. This technique is advantageous because it creates very little power loss when switching devices.
Business Name can provide 2N2222 Transistors in Connecticut. When transistors are needed for, Business Name can help. The company is a leading supplier of electronic components, electronic hardware, and semiconductors. They serve commercial, industrial, and military clients. The 2N2222 transistor is offered for sale, as well as a variety of other transistors. For more updates, follow us on Facebook.