Appointments at a physical rehabilitation center in Glendale, AZ, help streamline the process of being a hospital patient to a fully recovered person. Whether the patient has suffered a stroke, is recovering from a serious accident, or has recently had knee replacement surgery, physical therapy sessions speed healing. Some individuals need only a short treatment program, while others benefit from sessions over several months.
Steps in the Process
At this type of rehabilitation center in Glendale, AZ, an appointment with a physical therapist is scheduled first. The therapist evaluates the patient and devises a personalized program of exercises and other activities. Physical therapist assistants usually help clients with the steps of the program. They show these men and women how to do the exercises and make sure a sufficient amount of practice is completed.
In some cases, the assistant performs the movement for the patient. The assistant might gently bend the leg a precise number of times, for instance, if the person is still too weak to do so.
During rehabilitation, a client might need to practice using adaptive equipment. Walkers are useful for people who are weak or feeling unstable. An assistant walks with the patient around an indoor track until the person’s skill level is adequate.
Progressing From Daily to Less Frequent Sessions
These patients typically participate in rehabilitation sessions every day while in the hospital. They are released when regular medical supervision is no longer necessary. After returning home, they are scheduled to have outpatient sessions at a rehabilitation center until full recovery is reached.