A Fun and Functional Way to Enhance Your Skills and Mind in the US

by | Feb 1, 2022 | Software Company

Muse brain training is an app that helps athletes and other performers relax and focus. The system picks up your biomechanics with a unique headband, bracelet, or glasses. The program registers that data, and there are two ways to adjust your state of being.


If your activity allows you to pause and look at a cell phone, the video feedback loop may be the best feature for you. You select a preloaded video, or you can upload your own. During a session, the system will sense you, and if the brain activity is too high, the video will stop playing. Your job is to get the video to start up again. The stopped video will move in slow motion and then back to normal speed.


Some performers will not be able to watch a video, or you may respond better to audio. In these situations, the individual can upload their own music or use the preloaded sounds. The music will get loud during these training sessions when your readings are high. You will learn how to soften the songs. As you focus, it will lower to a moderate tone, and then it will be quiet.


Many calming apps focus on quieting the body and mind, but this system wants you to be active. Coaches and athletes from solo and team sports are trying the product. The program offers a brain map. When the picture of the brain is more or less one color, it represents whole-brain thinking. When the brain map is multiple shades, the brain might be too active and overthinking. For more details about Muse brain training, contact us.

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