Sometimes referred to as aluminum flat bar, there are a number of products that can be made using aluminum flat stock. Some of them are intended for industrial use only, while others may be found in a number of homes. Here are a few examples of what can be done with this stock.
The stock can be used to make structural elements for all sorts of buildings. This includes residences, municipal buildings, and even manufacturing facilities. Depending on what’s made, they can become integral parts of structures that help to lend more stability to roofs, walls, flooring, and any other element of the structure.
You can also find the stock used for creating marine fittings that are in common use on everything from passenger ships to pleasure boats. That same material can be used for various components found in different areas of the boats. This is due to the lighter weight of the material, making it possible to manufacture thicker components without the heaviness that comes with using steel.
Last, you’ll find that aluminum flat stock can be used as part of the design of a number of consumer products. One of the most common examples is the creation of mounts for camera lenses. The material provides a secure setting for the lens, making it all the easier to ensure the camera’s aim is accurate.
These are only some of the uses for this type of stock. Talk with a professional about how it could be the ideal material to include in some type of project you’re about to begin. Between the lighter weight, the durability, and the competitive pricing, it may be the best choice that you could make.