Dakota County Mental Health Supportive Apartments for Individuals With PTSD

by | Mar 30, 2022 | Health

Many men and women go through experiences that have substantial negative effects on their mental health. Examples include traumatic brain injury, severe post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and development of a mental illness. Those who have found it difficult to live independently benefit from residential rehabilitation. Mental health supportive apartments in Dakota County are available to help these individuals transition back to a more independent lifestyle.

PTSD and Homelessness

People may have seen portrayals of PTSD on television dramas. The characters often live a fairly normal life except for occasional panic attacks or terrifying flashbacks. In real life, though, some individuals with PTSD cannot function well at all. They are unable to hold a job and their relationships deteriorate. Eventually, some become homeless. Mental health supportive apartments in Dakota County are beneficial for these men and women while they receive effective treatment for the disorder.

Examples of Causes

PTSD is often considered a problem that only affects military personnel who have been in active combat. The condition is much more prevalent than this, though. It can develop after someone has been in a serious accident or sexually assaulted. Some individuals develop the disorder after living through a natural disaster or seeing another person killed.

Military Veteran Homelessness and PTSD

The connection between homelessness and PTSD among military veterans is noteworthy, however. Some 2% of Iraq and Afghanistan war veterans are homeless, and about two-thirds of these homeless veterans have the condition. That’s according to a report from the American Psychological Association.

The organization represented at the Options Residential Inc. is eager to help.

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