Direct Drive Blower
Although you may not realize it, a direct drive fan may be what you need. These fans use blades that rotate along with the motor at the same speed. As such, it reduces operational inefficiency, saving money over time.
How Does a Direct Drive Blower Operate?
Generally, these devices are used to ventilate workspaces, from warehouses to kitchens. Furthermore, they ensure fresh air blows into the room, improving workplace conditions. Moreover, they push dirty, contaminated air out of spaces, preventing toxic accumulations.
Compared to belt drive fans, direct drive exhausts possess several advantages. Foremost, they are low-maintenance, cutting costs and boosting profit. Since they only use a motor, fan, and coupling, it does not take much to maintain them. If space is limited, they are great choices, thanks to a compact design. Since they use less energy, it does not cost as much to keep them on.
Direct Drive Domex
Now, your factory can request an integrated 3-phase EC motor, exclusive to the PRV line. It has been built with a 3 horsepower motor, and it has a direct drive up to size 24. These design enhancements significantly boost performance. Plus, they are combined with a backward inclined, centrifugal wheel. As a result, these improved models deliver similar performance while producing less noise. These 3-phase EC motors are superb machines, delivering quiet, efficient performance.
Contact Brooklyn Fan & Blower Sales Co at to learn more about their Direct Drive Blower selection.