General Dentist Services in Pleasanton to Brighten Your Smile

by | Jan 2, 2024 | Dentist

You should visit the dentist at least twice a year as part of your oral hygiene routine. When you visit the dentist, use the opportunity to take advantage of the offerings available to you. Learn more about services offered by your local general dentist in Pleasanton.

Teeth Cleaning

Your dentist will clean your teeth for you, using more powerful techniques than you can perform at home. During your teeth cleaning procedure, your dentist will also examine your teeth for any dental problems and make you aware of them.


When your teeth experience minor damage, they can develop tiny holes known as cavities. These cavities are vulnerable to food particles and bacteria. When bacteria enter your teeth, it can cause expedited decay. The cavity will also continue to grow until it becomes noticeable. Your general dentist will fill your cavities with fillings to protect them.

Teeth Whitening

Everyday foods and drinks, such as red wine, blueberries, and carbonated beverages, can cause stains to develop on your teeth. Your teeth can also become discolored if the enamel on the tooth wears away, causing the yellow dentin underneath to become visible. Your dentist can use advanced teeth whitening procedures or veneers to restore the color of your teeth to their original color.


If you have a mild malocclusion, such as an overbite or crooked teeth, Invisalign can straighten your teeth using discrete and removable clear aligners.

Do you need a general dentist in Pleasanton? Schedule an appointment with Pleasanton Dentist, Dr. Mona Gokani.

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