Hiring A Personal Injury Lawyer In Tulsa

by | Sep 3, 2013 | Lawyers

A personal injury lawyer in Tulsa will offer you an effective foundation for your claim. With this foundation, he or she will build your case and enable you to present the clear facts regarding your case to the judge. It is through clarity that your attorney can declare in court why you deserve compensation for your injuries. It is through this declaration that he or she will secure a win for your case.

Automobile Accidents

Automobile accidents present a high probability of detrimental injuries for the simple fact that they are so unpredictable. The only predictable aspect of these accidents is that if a driver chooses to drive while under the influence of drugs or alcohol, the odds of a serious accident are exceedingly high. The probability of a fatality is also significantly higher, which presents the likelihood of criminal charges and wrongful-death lawsuits.

Criminal Charges

In the event that the driver at fault was, in fact, intoxicated when the accident occurred it is probable that he or she will be charged with a criminal charge. If a fatality occurred, this charge will classify as a felony and produce a significantly higher chance that the individual will be sentenced to prison upon conviction. Your attorney will file a claim against this driver based on the circumstances of your case. If you were injured in the accident, your attorney will file a claim for compensation and damages. However, if you lost a loved one in this accident, he or she will file a wrongful-death lawsuit.

Personal Injury Attorney

Benedict Law Office provides legal representation for anyone who was injured due to no fault of their own. These cases may imply negligence or a series of unfortunate events that could have been avoided. If you were injured and require legal representation you may contact these attorneys to schedule a consultation. Contact information for this law firm is available on their website.


Personal injury attorneys provide victims with a voice in court. Through their ability to effectively present, a claim in court, this voice is heard adequately by the judge. Automobile accidents present a greater risk of fatalities when the accident involves DUI or DWI charges. It also increases odds of a wrongful-death lawsuit and other criminal charges. Your selected attorney will provide you with a voice in court to ensure that your case is heard effectively and without question. Contact us for more info.

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