If you are having a hard time staying on top of your everyday bills, it may be time to think about filing for bankruptcy. After all, there is no possible way that you can continue to go on this way. You need to figure out a plan so that you can take advantage of Debt relief in St. Louis.
If you have a lot of unsecured debts, a Chapter 7 may be a good type of bankruptcy. Basically, this is where all of your debts are completely wiped away and you are given a fresh start. If you have credit card debt, your accounts will be closed which means you will no longer have access to your credit line. It also means that you aren’t going to have to make that expensive monthly payment.
If you are worried about losing your home or one of your vehicles, you may think about doing a Chapter 13 bankruptcy. This is the type of bankruptcy that you would file if you were worried about losing your home when you would want to continue to live in it. You would be given some options to pay back the money that you owe on your home. As long as you stay current with your monthly payments, you should have no problems continuing to live in your home.
Debt relief in St. Louis is something that many people take advantage of simply because bills can be very overwhelming. If you are struggling due to too many bills or not enough income, bankruptcy may be a good choice. Set up an appointment with your lawyer today and get answers to your questions. He will help you as much as possible.
If bankruptcy is something that you are interested in, you can set up an appointment with the Law Offices of Steven K. Brown. This is a lawyer who can tell you everything you need to know about debt relief in St. Louis. He will talk with you about the different types of bankruptcy that you have to choose from and he will help you determine which one is be right for you.