When a person does not have confidence in their smile, it can affect their life in many ways. Stains, damage, gaps and malformations can all cause a person to feel self-conscious about their appearance. Though these issues can be difficult to go through, there are treatment options available. Through advancements in dental science, the cosmetic dentist in Long Island can now offer patients dental veneers. Veneers are made to completely cover the teeth so all damage is hidden away.
A perfected smile no longer has to be out of reach. The Cosmetic dentist in Long Island can place veneers so a person’s smile looks beautiful. This is done on an outpatient basis in a couple of different steps. The first step involves preparing impressions so the veneers can be created. It is important each veneer fits perfectly so it will completely cover each tooth and give a natural look to the smile.
To prepare the teeth to receive veneers, each tooth must be shaped. A small portion of tooth material is removed so the veneer will fit perfectly in place without causing the tooth to protrude farther than what is natural. For most people, this causes no pain, but some sensitivity may be felt until the veneers are put in place.
Veneers are adhered to the teeth using a special dental adhesive that causes full bonding to take place instantly. This bonding process is further enhanced through the use of a special light. The dentist uses the light so the adhesive is instantly cured. This ensures the veneer will stay in place for many years to come.
Veneers can be made from porcelain or composite materials. When composite is used, it is applied in layers and then shaped so the teeth look beautiful. Both options can provide good results, though porcelain veneers are often preferable.
To learn more about dental veneers and how they can perfect your smile, visit ultimatedentistry.com. They take pride in providing their patients with the best in dental care services. Through these services, your smile health can be protected and you can explore options for improving the appearance of your teeth.