Keep Your Home or Yard Free of Sewage With a Septic Tank Pumping in Sparta NJ

by | Mar 30, 2015 | Septic Tanks

Your septic system is a simple means of dealing with any raw sewage such as toilet water or bathwater. A septic system consists of one or more large tanks connected to the sewer line and a series of pipes used to leach excess water back into the soil. The purpose of the tank is to collect the waste and allow it time to separate. During this process various enzymes and bacteria consume the proteins in the waste. This results in a dense sludge that settles at the bottom of the tank. After a couple of years, the system will require a Septic Tank Pumping in Sparta NJ to remove the sludge.

As the solid waste breaks down, the liquid effluent (wastewater) rises. It reaches a point where it can seep out of the tank into the leach lines, sometime known as field lines. This allows the effluent to percolate into the soil where it is filtered and returned to the local water table. This is a vast improvement over older methods where the water is leached directly into the soil. As the sediment builds in the bottom, the amount of sewage that the tank can handle is reduced. This is one reason that large homes require huge tanks and a regular Septic Tank Pumping in Sparta NJ.

Septic Tank Pumping in Sparta NJ removes all the waste in the tank including the layer of scum on the top, any effluent and the sludge at the bottom. Modern septic systems typically have an access vent in the top to make this job easier. Older models often required that the top of the tank is uncovered so the lid can be moved. This can be a difficult job and the cleaning company may suggest that you have the lid replaced with one that has easier access.

Regular Septic Tank Pumping in Sparta NJ is the best way to keep your sewage flowing properly. A tank that is mostly full can cause sewage to back up into the pipes and may flood your home. Likewise, a full tank can pump excess sewage into the yard and result in an unhealthy situation for everyone. If you see sewage puddles in your yard, it is time to contact an expert and have the tank thoroughly cleaned.

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