While memories tend to stand as legacies of deceased friends and family members, Monuments in Connecticut serve as an extension of those mental memoirs. These physical markers represent the deceased long after the memories have faded and keep reverence alive for future generations. They can be a key element in the grieving process as well.
Though you’ll find an almost endless range of design options, two basic types of grave site markers are available: upright and plaque style. As the names indicate, the upright versions are those standing at the head of the burial site, with some towering a few feet above the grave itself. On the other hand, plaque markers lie flat on the ground. The latter is often made up of a granite base with an embossed bronze inlay while the former is typically made entirely of granite.
Names, as well as birth and death dates, are always included in the messages left for others to view, but the remainder of the information is completely customizable. Some simply sum the deceased’s life up in a couple of words, such as “Loving Father” or “Beloved Friend,” but other common choices include:
* The loved one’s chosen profession
* Significant accomplishments from the deceased’s life
* Profound quotes the person held dear
* Humorous sayings the deceased often reiterated
* Talents the loved one was well known for
* Religious sayings that apply to the personality of the person in question
Monument designers and manufacturers typically have an array of message templates to choose from for those who don’t wish to personalize them. These words can also be added at a later date, once the grief of losing a loved one has eased enough to make way for creativity.
As is the case with burial sites, many choose to purchase their Monuments in Connecticut in advance to lessen the burden on the loved ones they leave behind. Markers can be delivered to the burial site at the time of purchase with the date of death added when the time comes. Whether designing a monument for yourself, a parent, a lifelong friend or a beloved pet, Domain URL for assistance with taking care of the details.