The Freedom of the Road is Yours with Trucking Jobs in Pennsylvania

by | Oct 19, 2015 | Business

If being cooped up in an office isn’t for you, then you may want to consider a job in trucking. Trucking is a fun job and offers a great deal of freedom. Freedom isn’t the only attractive feature of trucking; the pay is as well. An experienced trucker often brings home about $50.00 an hour, and with a possible run of a thousand miles, those hours add up to a hefty paycheck.

Commercial Driver’s License
The first thing you are going to need is a commercial driver’s license (CDL), but if you are thinking about hiring on with a trucking company, check before you apply to a school. Many trucking jobs in Pennsylvania offer help with tuition. A good physical condition and clean driving record are a must, and the age requirement is 21. If you are fresh out of high school, you have plenty of time to check out the industry and go through CDL training.

Hiring Up with a Trucking Company
When you talk to your recruiter, be up front about your driving record, and bring a copy of it with you to your interview. If you can get an endorsement from an experienced trucker that is a plus that helps open up life on the open road to you. Remember that Homeland Security requires a background check now, and you will need proof of your eligibility to work in the United States.

The Benefits
Today’s trucking firms offer full benefits packages with paid life insurance, dental and supplemental insurance, and most trucking companies offer guaranteed home time after your long hours on the road. Drive Cam rewards, performance-based pay and guaranteed work every week add up to make that direct deposited paycheck worthwhile. Many trucking companies offer the latest model trucks with all the cool technology and bells and whistles to their drivers, and those sunsets you get paid to watch aren’t too bad either.

Riding the road with a trucking company is a fine way to make a living, and trucking jobs in Pennsylvania are abundant. Freedom, good pay, benefits packages and the latest equipment are all attractive incentives to keep in mind when considering this as your very first or next career.

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