Stem cells are the source of other specialized cells. They divide to form daughter cells that then become new stem cells or specialized cells such as brain cells or blood cells. Here are the main sources of the Stem Cell OKC:
* Embryonic stem cells: these cells come from an embryo that is no more than five days old also called a blastocyst. They are about 150 in number and can divide into more stem cells or any type of body cell. They are used to repair diseased tissues and organs.
* Adult stem cells: they are found in adult tissues but in small numbers like in the bone marrow. They are limited in their ability to regenerate new cells. They are used to create similar and un-similar cells like a bone marrow cell can create blood cells and at the same time heart cells.
* Adult stem cells altered to be like embryonic cells: this is possible through genetic reprogramming that alters their genetic combination.
* Perinatal stem cells: these are stem cells found in the amniotic fluid and the umbilical cord. They have the capability to regenerate into specialized cells.
Stem cells can be used in various ways. Here are some of ways:
* They can help doctors understand how diseases occur and develop in the human body. This is by observing how they develop into various specialized cells thus also understand how diseases and conditions develop too.
* They can also be used to regenerate disease free cells to replace those ones that are affected. This is also called regenerative medicine. This knowledge may only be important to those who suffer from spinal cord injuries, heart disease, and cancer among others. These cells have the potential to be grown into new tissues to be used in regenerative medicine and a cure for longevity joint spine pain. Visit website to get more details.
* The Stem Cell OKC can also be used to test new drugs to determine if they are safe and effective. If the cells respond well to the drugs, then they are termed as safe for use on humans. This kind of experiment will have a direct impact on drug development for heart toxic levels testing.
With such detailed knowledge on stem cells, doctors from Longevity Joint Spine Pain have come to the conclusion that they can now create new cells that will be used to treat severe cases of back pains.