Being Charged With a Crime is Serious Business and Needs a Criminal Attorney in Ocean City, MD

by | Apr 15, 2015 | Lawyers

Whether you’re a juvenile or an adult, being charged with a crime is serious business that requires a criminal attorney in Ocean City, MD. If you’re a vacationer and were arrested, hiring an attorney with years of experience defending criminal cases is important. Your criminal record will be visible in the future to any prospective employers during background checks. In addition, if you get arrested again in the future, you will then begin to build a reputation with the criminal justice system.

There are various crimes a criminal attorney will represent. Some of these crimes include:

* Theft crimes: which can include burglary, robbery, shoplifting and failure to pay a restaurant tab.

* Violent crimes: which can include domestic violence, assault, and battery.

* Traffic offenses: which can include DUI/DWI, driving without a license, overweight trucks, underage driving, and underage alcohol offenses.

* Firearm offenses: which can include assaults with dangerous or deadly weapons, concealed weapon charges, possession of guns and ammunition offense or hand gun offenses.

* Other crimes: which can include drug offenses, marijuana citations, bench warrants and cigarettes.

Pleading guilty to a charge to move on with your life could affect your current or future employment. You will also have to pay fines and could be ordered to serve jail time. If you were charged with a DUI and refuse to take the test, you are required by the courts to have an ignition interlock device installed in your car. Even if you weren’t under the influence of alcohol, you will still be ordered to have one installed.

If you refuse the test, you are still entitled to a hearing in front of the judge to determine if you’re permitted to drive other vehicles. The court will also decide if you are required to have an interlock device installed on your car for employment purposes. If you blew over the legal limit but less than 15, you could request a hearing, but it must be done within 10 days. There are time limits for these pleadings with the court, and it is imperative you follow the guidelines.

When you’ve been charged with any crime, the criminal justice system can have serious repercussions on your life. Hiring an Ocean City lawyer is an important decision on the difference between jail time, high fines and a criminal record that will follow you forever.

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