If you are someone who is into Bga Rework Stencils, then you will be happy to hear the good news. There are many other types of stencils you’ll be able to use and one of them is called the Flextac Bga Rework Stencils. What is so amazing about it is that it’s completely different from the stencils you may be currently using and as a result, the results you’re going to get with it will be absolutely amazing. No more will you need to worry about using metal stencils for BGA rework that are just low quality and will never get you the results you’re looking for.
These solder past stencils are not only flexible, but at the same time they are laser cut from anti static and high quality polymer film, but also featuring a residue free adhesive backing. Due to the fact that they are self sticking, you’ll never have to worry about using fixture or tape.
The adhesive is quite strong and it will seal around each pad and this will prevent any bleeding problems under the stencil when you’ll apply the paste. These types of stencils are so simple to use that you’ll be blown away, while at the same time they are also not going to leave any residue on the board surface.
You know very well that when it comes to the regular Bga Rework Stencils, they are made from metal and because of that, they require taping or fixturing to hold them and position them in place. On top of that, when it comes to metal stencils they will not sit flat (especially if the circuit board features undulations in the surface of the board) and they can also warp easily. And that is why you should always go for the Bga Rework Stencils of the highest quality, as this will guarantee the success of your project.