Easily Eliminating Hard Water with a Water Softener Alternative

by | Aug 25, 2015 | Home And Garden

One of the worst problems homeowners and commercial owners face is hard water. For those unfamiliar with hard water, hard water is water that is contaminated with heavy metals or other minerals that can cause corrosive damage in pipes and other plumbing systems. Most water lines are very fragile structures that need clean water to flow safely without any impediments or damage to the rest of the pipes.

Hard water may sound like an innocuous problem, but homeowners don’t realize that the minerals that collect and contaminate water can eventually solidify and cause major problems. One of the peskiest minerals that commonly contaminates is limestone. Limestone is a very porous and rough mineral, and it is naturally prevalent in states like Florida.

Anyone that knows geography knows that the geography of Florida favors very porous minerals in the soil, and this naturally causes a lot of porosity and leaks. This is the last thing you want to have going on in your pipes. You need to have confidence in your pipes’ ability to transport water from point A to point B without anything damaging the overall system. Here are a few solutions so you can easily address your hard water problem quickly and cost effectively.

Chemical Solutions

One of the most common solutions that many homeowners opt to use is a chemical solution. The types of chemicals that are used are those that are very corrosive, but highly effective at targeting limestone and destroying it. These are acidic compounds that are specially formulated to eliminate weak minerals. Chemical solutions were only ones used until recently because most were cheap, effective, and permanent. However, the permanent effects of chemical giveth and taketh away.

The major issue with these types of solutions is the collateral damage they often have on the rest of the system. Chemicals are very harsh on the system, but they can also damage the rest of your pipes if they overused. Also, they can be very detrimental long-term, and they may even cost more money in the long run. There are other options for cleaning your pipes thanks to new technology.

Alternative Solutions

One of the best solutions compared with a traditional water softener is a metallic oscillator. One of these can be a very effective water softener alternative. These are water cleaning solutions that implement electrical charges to attract minerals on a molecular level and draw out the minerals without chemicals. This is a great solution because they can remove the pollutants and contaminants without using chemicals or any other corrosive substances. This is great because it can preserve the cleanliness of the chemicals without endangering your waterline permanently. Next time your pipes are in trouble, consider this as a water softener alternative, and there’s no doubt you’ll be pleased with the results.

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