Get Professional roof inspections in Oswego

by | Oct 13, 2015 | Roofing

A roof inspection involves far more than simply looking at the surface of the roof and, for another, an untrained individual might not even know what they were looking for. A roof is an expensive investment, and it’s important to hire a professional for quality roof work. It needs regular maintenance in order for it to reach its predicted lifespan, and only a professional roofer should be used to make certain that you are safe from damage, leaks and costly repairs.

What would a roofer do during an inspection?

If you are already experiencing leaks, the first thing that would be done would be to establish whether that leak was actually coming from the roof. It could be that there is damage to a wall, or that the sealing on a window is problematic. Pipes also create issues with leaking – sometimes they are not properly sealed and the seepage that is witnessed is not actually coming from the roof.

Once all checks have been done, it’s time for the roofer to start checking the surface of the roof. Every roof has a coating, and this would still need to be intact. Some roofs have gravel covering them, and it’s important to check that the surface is still evenly covered. If there is evidence of water that has collected over time, there may be a problem with drainage. A danger of water that collects on a roof is that it might start to dissolve chemicals from the roof membrane, causing it to fail at a later time. Also, if there is any damage to the roof, any trapped water could create a major leak.

Roof inspections in Oswego

Oswego experiences a huge range of temperatures throughout the year, so a good roof will consist of materials that can withstand these variations. During the summer, in particular, a roof is exposed to high UV rays, and this can cause the roofing materials to break down.  The membrane is one of the most important components of a roof, and it’s essential that there are no holes or tears in it. A roofer will check that it has been properly installed. If it has wrinkles in it, as the membrane ages it is possible that these will become cracks, which are ultimately where your roof is likely to leak.

Of course, once your professional roofer has conducted his inspection, you will need to follow through with any problems noted. A really good idea is to budget for maintenance to your roof on an annual basis. The money you will save by not having to replace your roof for many years will be well worth the investment.

Showalter Roofing Services provides roofers in Oswego for all of your roofing needs. View their website for more information.

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