How to Avoid Hearing Aid Repair in Wilmington, NC

by | Jul 11, 2024 | Audiologist

Hearing aids are advanced pieces of technology, but unlike an expensive gaming computer or even your phone, a hearing aid is constantly placed against your body unless you’re sleeping. Here are some tips for maintaining your hearing aids so you can avoid hearing aid repair in Wilmington, NC.

Keep Them Dry and Clean

Water is one of the main culprits for damaged hearing aids. It’s essential to remove your hearing aids before you shower or get into the pool. You should also do your best to avoid impromptu water balloon fights or being outside without an umbrella during heavy rainstorms. A dryer or dehumidifier is an excellent way to keep moisture from destroying your hearing aids.

Earwax is the number two reason for hearing aid malfunctions, and it can be a lot more difficult to avoid than water. Your hearing aids will inevitably get a bit of ear wax on them but cleaning them before you sleep is a great way to ensure their longevity. Gently wipe earwax off with a dry cloth and use a special brush to clean earwax out from the tiny crevices. You can also discuss ways to keep your ears free of wax buildup with your audiologist in Wilmington, NC.

Avoid Extreme Temperatures

Heat is usually the main culprit for hearing aid problems. Avoid leaving your hearing aids in hot places, especially muggy ones. However, harsh cold and winds can also damage your hearing aids. Try to wear a hat or earmuffs during windy and cold weather to avoid hearing aid repair in Wilmington, NC.

Don’t Use Your Pockets as Storage

While pockets are convenient, they’re not the best place to store your hearing aids. Hearing aids should be placed in a protective case to avoid being roughed up or getting debris in them. It also protects your hearing aid batteries from coming into contact with the metal of your keys.

Visit Hearing Aid Studio for professional hearing aid repair in Wilmington, NC! They can help you at every step of your hearing journey!

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