Getting a new furnace installed is vital if your previous furnace stopped working and a great way to ensure that your house will be adequately heated next winter. However, furnace installation in Richmond is somewhat tricky. Here is how you can prepare for this repair to your home.
Make Sure You Hire the Right Company
For a job as complicated as furnace installa tion, you want to ensure you trust the right people. This is not the kind of HVAC maintenance job you should attempt by yourself. Instead, make sure that you hire professionals such as W.G. Speeks. Only work with an HVAC company with experience installing furnaces, precisely your type of furnace.
Ask If They’ll Remove Your Old Unit as Well
To make space for your new furnace, you probably want to remove the old one or any other heating infrastructure that was in place. When contacting a professional to schedule a furnace installation in Richmond, ask if they will remove your old unit. Most offer this service with their installations because they know that it is difficult to do on your own.
Clean the Space
A furnace installation takes up a lot of space. To ensure that the repair workers have enough space to do their job, clean out your basement and the area around your furnace of clutter. Also, try to keep kids and pets away from the workers.