How to Win a Case With a Birth Injury Lawyer in Houston

by | Sep 18, 2013 | Law Firms

Medical malpractice cases are very complicated and difficult. Most are considered personal injury cases; therefore, a birth injury is considered a medical malpractice case. A birth injury can be an injury to the mother or the child or both that occurs during the birthing process. Many times these injuries are hard to prove. Doctors usually have the advantage in these situations. Your best bet is to hire a birth injury lawyer in Houston to help you successfully prove your case.

A birth injury lawyer in Houston is experienced and has a great deal more knowledge in this area. Plus, they know how to deal with doctors and nurses. During a birth injury lawsuit, your attorney will gather the necessary documents and find out what happened that caused the injury during the birthing process. The attorney will specifically explain in the court documents what, why, and how the injury occurred based on your memory of the events, their experience in these matters, and other similar case law.

To find a good lawyer for your case, be sure you seek one shortly after the injury. Don’t waste time or put it off. The longer you, wait the more difficult it is for the attorney to prove liability against the doctor or nurse. Make sure you followed medical advice throughout your pregnancy. One defense the medical professionals’ attorneys will use is that you failed to follow the doctor’s or nurse’s advice. Be sure you understand all the risks involved. Common risks during a child birth more than likely will not end successfully for you in a civil lawsuit, especially if you were aware of them.

Most courts will give the doctors the benefit of the doubt if a normal or common risk occurred. In order to win your birth injury case, the medical staff would have needed to do something out of the ordinary, be obviously negligent, or failed to warn of possible injury. Some of the reasons to sue for birth injury are failure to diagnose, failure to properly treat, and failure to inform of risks. A good birth injury lawyer will be able to know which direction to go after to win the case.

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