If you frequently work with electronics, you are probably familiar with the use of inductors. They are passive electronic components to equipment that serve to store energy in the form of a magnetic field. There are a variety of different brands and types of inductors on the market, and in a world where businesses are focused on creating product efficiently, cheaply and with as little impact on the environment as possible, it is important to know which products are best depending on what they are being used for. For this reason, new inventions are always being created in an attempt to reduce the amount of time, resources and money being spent. A relatively new invention out in the market is Toroidal Inductors.
Toroid products are known for their donut shape. There are many different types of toroidal products, but they all follow the basic donut design. Because of the shape, the core is a closed loop, which is beneficial for users because it allows toroid inductors to have a higher magnetic field than its counterpart, which has a straight core. This is due to the increase in turns of the wire around the core, which allows a stronger magnetic field to be created due to the overlap of energy from each coil.
Toroidal Inductors are commonly used in medical devices, musical instruments, refrigerators, electronic brakes, air condition equipment and amplifiers, however, there are many other uses for them as well. Due to its uses in all different kinds of industries, the design is always being tweaked and made better.
A new type of toroid that was developed relatively recently has tweaked the way that the wire turns around the core. This design involves turns that are formed at sequential intervals, which allows more turns per single later. This increases inductance without having to make the core any bigger, which is useful in cases where you have to have a relatively small core for your device but need more power to use the device. It also reduces the size of the inductor and reduces EMI noise.
This new type of toroid also lowers the rise in temperature by using a larger diameter wire. This could be seen as a benefit to safety, because higher temperatures could cause safety concerns such as burns. It also prevents the item that is being powered from overheating and shutting off.
These new inventions, called Air-Core Toroidal Inductors, have been created using a combination of conventional machining and thin-film processes.