Issues Involved When You Need to Repair Roof Skylights

by | Jul 16, 2013 | Home And Garden

After spending thousands of dollars on a skylight to save money over time, it can be frustrating to have skylight that is not working properly. Leaks are the common type of damage, but there are many other issues that can plague a roof skylight. It can cost a lot of money to repair roof skylights if they are not covered under a warranty.

If you notice a leak, do a thorough inspection first to save yourself the hassle and cost of a repairman. Sometimes what looks like a leak can actually be excessive condensation, particularly in colder climates. In addition, leaves, snow and other debris on the roof may be causing water to back up over the skylight, so check for this possibility as well. Open and close the skylight and check the seals to ensure they are watertight.

Common Problems
Besides leaks, skylights can face other issues. You may need to repair roof skylights if they are discolored, cracked or improperly sealed. If they are the kind that open and close, they could sometimes have a broken motor as well. The sun can cause the skylight glass to discolor and turn yellowish. Humidity can cause excess condensation on the skylight. Hail and other weather conditions can cause a skylight to crack. All of these problems can result in costly repairs.

Pricing Information
Pricing to repair roof skylights depends on several factors, including the type and severity of the issue as well as the ability to access the roof. Nationally, the average prices range from $161-$535. Many issues are covered under warranty, however, so check with the manufacturer before paying hundreds of dollars to correct a problem. Although skylights can develop issues, they quickly pay for themselves in just a matter of years through energy conservation and cost savings.

Wasco Skylights offers skylights that feature unique design elements and state-of-the-art technology.

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