Garage doors offer a convenient way to come and go from a home. Being able to drive in and out of the garage, while safely inside of a vehicle, provides protection from intruders, as well as from Mother Nature. Since garage doors are used frequently, they may need to be serviced from time-to-time, to keep them operating smoothly. When a door makes unusual noises or begins to rub or grind, the door should be inspected. In many instances, the springs may be the cause for mechanical failure. If this is the case, perhaps it’s time for Garage Door Spring Replacement in Loveland Colorado.
A garage door has two types of springs: the torsion spring and the extension spring. The torsion spring is located at the top of the garage door and assists with opening and closing. A torsion spring acts like a counterbalance for the weight of the door, and it winds and unwinds as the door is lifted up or down. Depending on the size of the door, there may be one or two torsion springs in place. Larger and heavier doors should have two torsion springs to handle the weight, in case one breaks. If this happens, the second spring can keep the door from falling and hurting someone in the pathway.
Extension springs work in combination with the torsion springs on the garage door. They are located on either side of the door and also assist with pulling the door along the track. Both torsion springs and extension springs are tightly wound and under a great deal of pressure. If Garage Door Spring Replacement in Loveland Colorado becomes necessary, it’s best to have an experienced technician handle the operation.
Residential and commercial garage doors have many parts that should be examined on a regular basis. With periodic maintenance, a garage door should operate smoothly and last for many years. Parts such as the springs can be dangerous to work with, so it’s highly recommended to contact us if a problem develops with them. Changing the springs requires adjusting the tension correctly so that they don’t snap and break. It’s better to be safe than to take a chance on having an accident occur.
Contact Full Service Garage Doors for more details. You can also visit them on Facebook for more information.