Leukemia Settlements Help Employees Get Compensation for Pain & Suffering

by | Dec 8, 2023 | Lawyers

Many tradespeople are exposed to dangerous levels of benzene every day. Since their job requires them to work with such chemicals, breathing in these toxins continuously can cause massive injuries to the body. Benzene is commonly found in fuels of all kinds, as well as oil, ink, paint, solvents, plastics, and even paint thinner.

The lethal exposure to these products on a long-term basis can cause leukemia to develop, though this isn’t the only condition associated with contact. People with chronic exposure may develop multiple myeloma, myelodysplastic syndrome, or even non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, and their life is forever altered. While a leukemia settlement can’t change the war inside the body, it can help pay for medical expenses, lost wages, as well as pain and suffering.

Obtaining a leukemia settlement is an uphill battle, as the client and legal counsel must present convincing proof of exposure and that the cancer began while working at that facility or shortly afterward. Medical evidence is the key to these claims, and health records are scrutinized to find a connection.

Insurance companies don’t want to pay for anything, so it takes a wise attorney with benzene-related case experience to succeed. Since these claims involve a lot of scientific evidence, the lawyer must be well-versed in the science and legal aspects of these cases.

Linking exposure and leukemia is often challenging, but it can be done. For individuals struggling with leukemia due to long-term benzene exposure, contact the Benzene Lawyers for expert legal support.

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