Monitored Security Systems Are the Best Option for a San Antonio Business

by | Dec 12, 2023 | Fire and Security

If you have a business that has a brick-and-mortar location somewhere, then you know how important it is to have a functioning security system. However, you will need more than the old-fashioned video cameras that were used in the past. In this day and age, you will want to use remote video monitoring services in San Antonio. There are plenty of reasons why this is your best option.

Proactive Not Reactive

Instead of waiting to find out that a crime has happened and then reviewing countless hours of video footage to try and identify the culprit, it makes much more sense to stop the crime while it is actually in progress. Once something looks suspicious to the trained staff who are monitoring the live surveillance feed, they will alert the authorities.


The monitored security system is active 24 hours a day 365 days a year. It is never limited to only certain hours, so you won’t have to worry about something happening while the cameras “are off.”

Get Rid of False Alarms

If you are relying on only motion-detector equipment to secure your business, then you are also most likely being subjected to quite a few false alarms. For instance, a small animal such as a stray cat or a raccoon can trip the sensors and cause an unnecessary commotion. This is greatly reduced when there are remote video monitoring services in San Antonio being used.

If you are interested in such a security system, please contact iNET Security and Surveillance, LLC at

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