Options for Drug-Free ED Treatment, Find Help in Costa Mesa, CA

by | Jun 20, 2018 | Health

There are many men in the Costa Mesa, CA area that have symptoms of ED, or erectile dysfunction. Though you might think that medications are the best way to treat this condition, that’s not quite true. It’s possible that a drug-free ED treatment can help, too.

Shockwave Therapy

One of the most promising drug-free treatments for ED is shockwave therapy. This type of therapy uses energy to promote a bodily function called neovascularization. This is essentially a way to encourage the body to create new blood vessels. In turn, when these new blood vessels are created, there is more blood flow to the targeted area.

Works on Many Areas of the Body

This type of treatment is not new. In fact, doctors have been using it to treat some other conditions such as joint inflammation, heart issues, kidney stones, and fractures. It also works extremely well in cases of erectile dysfunction. An erection occurs due to blood flowing to the region, so when there are more blood vessels present, more blood can get to the area. This makes the erections last longer and becomes stronger.

Treatments for ED

In the past, men with ED had treatment options such as injections, pills, or vacuum devices to help improve the erection. However, these often don’t work long term. Shockwave treatments are different; it targets the actual mechanisms that cause erections, which makes it more likely that a man can have an erection naturally. Most treatment sessions only take about 30 minutes or less, and many men see results in just a few sessions.

Are you interested in learning more about drug-free ED treatment? If so, feel free to contact the LaSara Medical Group near Costa Mesa, CA. Learn more at their website, https://www.lasara.com. Like us on our facebook page.

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