It’s easy to feel like your personal autonomy has been lost after a cancer diagnosis, but it’s the exact opposite. Beating cancer means that you need to take more control of your health than you ever have before. And make no mistake, there are options to empower your efforts. The first step is to ask yourself, who’s the best oncologist near me? But this also prompts another important question. When you ask, who’s the best oncologist near me, there’s an important question baked in there. The question boils down to exactly how to tell if an oncologist is the best fit for your needs.
While there are a lot of elements to the best oncologists, there’s one point in particular that you should always hold above all others. Namely, are you being treated like an individual or like you’re simply synonymous with your diagnosis? This might not seem like it’d make a difference in your treatment. However, one of the defining traits of cancer is how much variation there is on a case-by-case basis. The best oncologists are those who take the time to work on a personalized treatment for you. These are the healthcare providers who create a full strategy to build up your health while also fighting cancer. It’s important to find a treatment that lets you still enjoy life and balance your new needs alongside the joys the world still has to offer. You can start putting together a personal plan with MOJO Health at Or follow them on Facebook for more updates.