POP Displays in California – The Next Wave of Success for Local Marketers

by | Sep 20, 2022 | Industrial

A POP display is a strategic sales machine. Discover why every marketer should have one.

A POP Display is a Potential Sales Magnet

POP displays are massive, which is a good thing from a marketing standpoint. With one display, a marketer could

  • Incorporate a giant mascot
  • Add a large, buzzworthy tagline
  • Incorporate useful samples for potential customers
  • List the key highlights and benefits for different products

Merchandising Perks

In the marketing world, perception is the key to sales. If you want to sell a quality product, you’ll need to build perception with a proper display. Most consumers will associate a high-end display with a quality product and a tacky display with a generic product.

Branding Advantages

A POP display is basically a mini-store within a store. If you have a strategic partnership with a local retailer, you can beat what a POP display can offer. Without a display, your products could get lost in the shuffle. With a display, the sky is the limit because it will give you greater control and visibility.

As a marketer, your vision is the key to your success. A retailer may not understand your vision. This is why it pays to have a good POP display template.

The Power of Impulse

According to sales statistics, approximately 80 percent of shoppers are impulsive shoppers. They are attracted to highly beneficial, buzz-worthy products. To entice these individuals, you’ll need an eye-catching POP display.

If you’re looking for quality POP displays in California, contact Orange County Industrial Plastics at web.

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