If you are committed to becoming a hairdresser, then you can answer the calling by choosing the right cosmetology program. If you live in an area that has a strong demand for hair care professionals, so much the better. Usually, if a location features a number of cosmetology schools, the employment demand is likewise increased.
What Do Hairstylists Do?
Schools for cosmetology in Overland Park, KS state that the main job duties of a hair stylist include trimming, shampooing, conditioning, and styling hair for both female and male clients. Other services include facial shaving and hairpiece styling. Hairdressers also offer advice for at-home care. Should you wish to become a sole proprietor or own a hair salon, you will also need to hone your managerial abilities. These skills include hiring stylists, advertising, stocking and maintaining hair care products, and keeping accounting records.
An Increasing Demand
Schools for cosmetology support the US Bureau of Labour Statistics (BLS) statement that they expect a 10% increase in jobs for hairdressers over the next ten years. The increasing population and need for coloring services and hair treatments is anticipated to contribute to employment growth. The BLS also adds that a number of hairdressers will leave the field, thereby opening up opportunities for new stylists.
Cosmetology Programs
Hair stylists must attend schools for cosmetology so that they can obtain the knowledge needed to complete state licensing requirements or the State Boards for their profession. Both cosmetology schools and community colleges can prepare students for careers as hairdressers. Cosmetology programs include such subjects as communications, hair coloring, cosmetology concepts, and various hair cutting techniques.
Other Opportunities
People who are interested in hairstyling might also consider becoming cosmetologists or barbers. Cosmetologists focus more on overall beauty and treatment processes while barbers concentrate more on men’s hair styling and hair care. Other career options include jobs as manicurists, pedicurists, or skin care professionals.