Signs You Should See A Chiropractor For Back Pain

by | Jun 26, 2019 | Chiropractor

Back pain is a problem that affects about 80 percent of people. In many cases, people are able to treat the back pain at home. However, some people end up needing to see a chiropractor. There are several signs that indicate that you need to visit a chiropractic wellness center Lancaster County PA.

You Have a Pinched Nerve

There are several signs that indicate that you have a pinched nerve. You may experience a pins and needles sensation in your limbs. You may also experience a sharp pain that gets worse every time that you move. If you have a pinched nerve, then you will need to see a chiropractor. Your chiropractor will be able to determine the cause of your pinched nerve and begin treatment right away.

You sit for Long Periods of Time

Back pain is not always caused by an injury. It is sometimes caused by sitting for long periods of time. A sedentary lifestyle can take a toll on the spine. Sitting for long periods of time can also cause the spine to get out of alignment. If your spine is out of alignment, then you are more likely to develop back pain.

You are an Athlete

If you are an athlete with back pain, then you will need to see a chiropractor. You are more prone to soft tissue injuries if you are an athlete. You are also more prone to hard tissue injuries. Chiropractors can treat both soft and hard tissue injuries.

Other Treatments do not Work

A heating pad and ice packs are often used to alleviate back pain. If these treatments do not work, then you will need to see a chiropractor.

You can call Chiropractor & Fitness if you are in need of a chiropractic wellness center Lancaster County PA.

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