So you think you have a disability claim? Are you confident that it will go through without a denial? Perhaps both you and your doctor think that it’s pretty much an open and shut case. In your doctor’s professional opinion, you are clearly disabled and entitled to disability. Before you get your hopes up, you need to learn more about the disability process. In the real world, many legitimate claims are denied. Yes, the claims process isn’t that great at vetting claims. This is why it is wise to seek the assistance of a Social Security Disability attorney in Berkeley. The laws governing Social Security change all the time. Change isn’t the only thing you have to be worried about. The laws are terribly complicated and hard to understand unless you spend a lot of time going over them. This is time that you might not have.
Depending on where you are in the process, you may have already received a denial. A denial letter can bring sadness, anger, and frustration. You may be thinking of giving up your claim. A feeling of hopelessness may have already set in. Don’t let that feeling consume you. You still have appeal options that can work to your benefit, but it isn’t wise to conduct an appeal without the assistance of a Social Security Disability attorney in Berkeley. A qualified attorney can work to get your claim heard by a judge. Maybe you have already been denied by a judge. Is that denial the end of the road? Fortunately, no. You still can work with an attorney to have your claim heard by an Appeals Council. If that fails, there is always the U.S. Federal Court.
Understand that you don’t have all the time in the world to file your claim. If you wait to long to get the reconsideration ball rolling, you will be out of luck. As soon as you are informed that you were denied, you have to act. Lawyers aren’t just good for helping with your claim. They can help you find quality medical care in your area. Lawyers with experience often have many contacts in the medical field. To know more, please visit Patrick J Kelly Law Office now.