Three Things to Avoid During a Move

by | Apr 10, 2017 | Moving

There seems to be no shortage of advice on what you should do when you are preparing for a move, but it is also important to think about the things you should avoid. When you are planning a Woodland Hills moving adventure, here are three things you might not have thought of that you should avoid during the move:

Making Cost the Deciding Factor

You will need to check several moving companies before you find one that is right for you and you will need to get a price quote from each one. A temptation for many homeowners is to go with the cheaper offer in order to save money. However, while you may pay less upfront it will cost you money down the road when items get lost, stolen, or damaged during the move. Trust quality and experience and pay a good rate for a reputable moving company from the get go!

Moving Everything You Own

Many homeowner make one key mistake when packing for a move- they try to bring every single thing they own with them. Chances are you will not need to pack and ship every piece of furniture and every kitchen gadget and every appliance you own. Sort through everything and decide what needs to go and what can stay and what you can easily buy new in your new city. Many people use a move as an excuse to downsize and weed through all of their possessions.

Forgetting an Essentials Bag

An essentials bag will be a lifesaver during a move.  In this bag, you need to keep the common items you will use in the 48 hours or so after you get to your new home. Keep changes of clothes, basic toiletries, medications, electronic devices, and other essentials so they are easy to get to when you need them. You don’t want to be digging through boxes looking for things as soon as you are unloading boxes so an essentials bag is very important and every member of the family needs to have one!

For more tips and ideas to make your Woodland Hills moving plans less stressful, contact Ben Hur Moving and Storage today and let them help you take the stress and worry out of your big family move.

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