Three Things to Know Before Getting Lip Injections in Los Angeles, CA

by | Mar 21, 2022 | Medical Spa

Are you thinking about lip injections in Los Angeles, CA? With luscious lips on trend, it’s no wonder that this minimally invasive procedure is more popular than ever. Injections can give you those same full, smooth lips you covet on models and influencers in a matter of minutes, but there are a few things you need to know before going under the needle.

Injections Are Quick and Painless

The most common worry that patients have about lip injections is the pain, but injections are typically quick and painless. A topical anesthetic is applied to the lips before the injections are administered, so it won’t even hurt as much as your annual flu shot.

Results Are Temporary

If you’re not happy with the results of your lip injections in Los Angeles, CA, don’t worry. Lip injections are temporary and typically disappear after 18 months. An eraser enzyme can also be injected to dissolve the filler and reverse the results immediately.

There Are Few Risks

Lip injections come with minimal risks and side effects. The most common complaints are bruising and swelling. There is also a small potential for infection, so consult with your regular doctor before getting injections if you are immunocompromised.

Are you ready to unlock your best self? The highly trained, experienced staff at Skin Code LA medical spa can help with a variety of skin and hair treatments to boost your confidence. Learn more at website.

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