Top Side Effects of Sleep Apnea in Utica, NY

by | Jul 28, 2017 | Dentist

Sleep apnea in Utica, NY is something that more people than you might imagine suffer from. While, many people might think that it isn’t that big of a deal, what possible harm could a ton of snoring do? In reality, the side effects of sleep apnea are serious and can even result in death if not treated. With that in mind, read on below for a few of the top side effect of sleep apnea, so you are well-informed.

Problems Getting Up in the Mornings

This is completely different from staying up late and then hitting the snooze button a few times the next morning. This is having problems getting up in the morning, because though you should have gotten eight hours of sleep, you might have gotten two because of your sleep apnea in Utica, NY. If you are having this problem, you need to make an appointment with your doctor as soon as possible.

Headaches in the Morning

People with sleep apnea often wake with major headaches in the morning because of airway obstruction when trying to breathe during the night, this leads to high carbon dioxide levels, which leads to horrible headaches when you wake up. These headaches usually only last about thirty minutes after you wake up, because air is getting to your lungs again.

Daytime Fatigue

People who don’t get enough sleep are tired and drowsy during the day. This will affect your concentration and your ability to do your job or school work as well.

Gasping for Air

People with severe sleep apnea often wake up during the night feeling like they are choking and gasping for air. This is usually noticed by bed partners before the person with sleep apnea themselves since they are still asleep most of the time when it happens. They are losing the ability to breathe while sleeping, which causes the sudden gasp as they wake up, sit up, and start breathing again.


It is important to realize that snoring doesn’t mean you have sleep apnea. However, is your snoring is bad and you periodically stop breathing, it’s time to see your doctor, just in case.

There are treatments out there for sleep apnea. If you have any of the symptoms above, you should contact your doctor for an appointment. For more information, contact the professionals at Zalatan Dental for help.

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