The rising cost of everyday life has made purchasing groceries even more challenging for working families. Despite working 40 hours or more per week, you might not have enough money left in your bank account to spend at the grocery store.
Rather than let your family go hungry, you can reach out to community resources available to you. You may find assistance for stretching your grocery budget at one of the local food banks in New York City.
Nutritious Food
You want to ensure your family gets nutritious food to eat during the week. You might worry the food you get at a food bank will be full of fat and calories.
However, the food you get actually may be nutritious and full of vitamins, minerals and protein. You can serve it to your family knowing it is good for them and is not simply junk food full of empty calories.
Shelf Stability
You can also get food that has a long shelf life. You’ll appreciate receiving meal pouches and other non-perishable food that you can keep for weeks or months. You avoid having to use all of it as quickly as possible and can instead use it to stretch your grocery budget.
You can find out more about helping food banks in New York City. To find a location near you, you can visit the website.