Simply put they are motors that assist and carry out the automated process of manufacturing with accuracy and speed, without needing to have external position feedback. By utilizing positioning and velocity control applications they can be programmed to complete almost any job you might have in mind.
How do They Work?
By being able to precisely control the current of each phase, you have the option to divide the motor’s steps into microsteps. This allows to precision and accuracy to ensure that every detail of the manufacturing process is carried out to perfection.
What Can They Be Used For?
The list of projects that involve bipolar stepper motors would be impossible to complete. A good example of some of the manufacturing fields that utilize these motors include things ranging from car manufacturing, office automation and industrial creation techniques.
Some Features of a Stepper Motor
Slow, Fast and Mixed mode control
Diagnostic Outputs
Stall detect assistance
Protection features
Parallel, Serial and Step/Direction interfaces
PWM current control
These are just a few examples of the many features that may be included with a stepper motor you purchase, and this is only a partial list. Stepper motors today range from being able to control and regulate the simplest aspect of the manufacturing process to the most advanced and micro accurate ones.
Want to Learn More?
If you would like more information on bipolar stepper motor drivers, please visit the company that has years of experience and the knowledge to back it up at Domain URL. You can see the many different types of motors available to you to get the job done, exactly how you want it. You have a vision in mind for your product and when it comes to life it should be exactly the same as what you had in your head.