The foundation of naturopathic medicine is a set of principles to define their practice as a whole. There are six principles in all, coming together to create a well-rounded and ethical practice. The celebration of holistic health is emphasized in each principle. Today, you will be exposed to a few of those principles.
Only the best naturopathic doctors in Pickering ON area use each of these principles in each and every aspect of their practice. In order to create effective treatment plans and put them to use, these principles must be followed. If they are not, naturopathic medicine is less useful and, in the worse cases, ineffective.
Vis Medicatrix Naturae
The most vital principle in naturopathy is the knowledge that the body has an innate ability to heal itself. The doctor works to pinpoint and then clear away any obstacle that the body may face during the healing process. In doing so, these doctors enable the body to effectively heal itself as well as improve the healing process.
Primum Non Nocere
This loosely translates to “first, do no harm.” Practicers of naturopathic medicine follow simple guidelines to ensure that they only facilitate healing and do not lead to any further harm to their patients. These are:
Only make use of medicinal products and methods that do not pose any risks or side effects
Attempt to avoid the suppression of symptoms whenever possible
Acknowledge and honor the healing process of the individual, using the least intrusive methods when diagnosing and treating their illness(es).
Tolle Causam
This ties into the third guideline of the previous principle: identify and treat the cause. Because the aim of naturopathic healing is to be as gentle and delicate with the body as possible, physicians target the cause of the illness and make it their priority to remove it. They do not focus on alleviating symptoms, but instead get to the root cause.
Wellness and Prevention
Naturopathic healing puts emphasis on preventing diseases before they begin, taking into account your specific risk factors, needs, and genetics. They also stress the importance of maintaining your best level of health through your daily life.
Naturopathic medicine has the ability to affect you deeply and change your life. The best naturopathic doctors can help you to reach your best state of health, wellbeing, and balance. Through these principles and through many more things that your physician can teach you, your best life is within reach.