What You Should Know Before You Undergo a Root Canal Surgery

by | Dec 8, 2022 | Dental

Root canal surgery is often the last resort to save a tooth. Dentists recommend the procedure if they’ve repaired a tooth quite a few times and it continues to get infected or cause severe pain or discomfort. When facing the surgery, you may ask yourself, “How long does a root canal take?”

Root Canal Surgery Expectations

To find out how long a root canal takes, the first thing your surgeon needs to know is how many roots the tooth has. On average, an oral surgeon performs a complete root canal surgery in about one hour. However, it could take ninety minutes or longer if the tooth has multiple roots.

What Happens During the Procedure?

Root canal surgery eliminates the primary focus of helping the patient, alleviating their pain and discomfort. Instead, oral surgeons open the affected tooth by drilling into it and creating a large opening. Next, they remove the pulp and nerves inside the tooth and its roots.

They clean out all debris inside the tooth and inject a composite resin into the tooth. And the surgeon seals it. Finally, a dental crown is secured over the repaired tooth to strengthen the tooth and prevent new infections and abscesses.

Why Should You Undergo a Root Canal?

For many patients, root canal surgery stops them from losing the tooth. While there are many tooth replacement options, the dentist will try to save a tooth when possible.

Oral surgery can save a damaged tooth and eliminate pain and discomfort. Root canal surgeries are the last step before extraction and could protect the tooth from new infections and decay. Contact Business Name to schedule a root canal or visit website.

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