Why Businesses Invest in Digital Outdoor Signs in Norman, OK In an age where social media advertising reigns, many businesses might be overlooking a tried-and-true method for increasing their exposure. Outdoor digital signage is a proven way for businesses to attract more attention and get more business. Businesses considering the benefits of digital outdoor signs in Norman, OK, should consider the following.
Outdoor Signs Beat the Algorithms
Companies spend thousands upon thousands of dollars on social media campaigns only to have their hard work be shown to a small percentage of users. Getting one’s message across using outdoor signage isn’t at the mercy of social media or search engine algorithms. Instead, it’s a straightforward way to as many potential consumers who drive by the sign each day.
Diversified Marketing
Digital billboards make it possible for companies to market their message to different segments of the population. Digital signs allow companies to place multiple ads reaching as many demographics as possible. For example, a spa might have one digital ad targeting younger clients interested in hair coloring services and another ad shown several seconds later targeting individuals interested in spa services.
Higher Impressions
With all the scrolling on social media, many social media ads don’t leave an impression. Yet, digital signs create lasting impressions as many people recall digital billboard ads more than social media ads.
When it comes to digital outdoor advertising, businesses get more for their money and have a high reach volume. To learn more about the benefits and the cost of digital outdoor signs in Norman, OK, contact Blue Sky Banners.